What the Mobility Fee can do for Downtown Jacksonville

February 20, 2013 40 comments Open printer friendly version of this article Print Article

According to the recently released JAX 2025 survey, a better downtown is at the top of the wish list of its 14,016 respondents. However, Councilman Richard Clark's proposed three year moratorium of the mobility fee could stunt the redevelopment of downtown Jacksonville and leave the average taxpayer carrying the financial burden it leaves behind.

The purpose of the award winning 2030 Mobility Plan is to build upon existing policies through the adoption of land use and transportation policies that support mobility, in partnership with the effective application of a new transportation improvement and mitigation funding mechanism.  That funding mechanism, which replaced Jacksonville's broken Fair Share Agreement system, is known as the mobility fee.  Using this dual approach to tackle the growth management challenges facing Jacksonville, the objectives of the 2030 Mobility Plan are as follows:

1. Support a variety of transportation modes

2. Reduce vehicle miles traveled

3. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions

4. Promote a compact and interconnected land development form

5. Improve the health and quality of life for Jacksonville residents

With this in mind, here are three of many things the mobility plan and fee can provide for downtown revitalization:

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