Jacksonville's Busiest Transit Routes

December 9, 2013 8 comments Open printer friendly version of this article Print Article

Ever wonder what are the busiest transit routes by daily ridership in Jacksonville? Look no further because this list provides the answers you seek. However, you may be surprised at what route in town generates more daily ridership than the rest.

5. L8 Lem Turner/Ramona

The L8 route travels primarily in the north and west parts of Jacksonville with 30 minute headways between the Walmart on Lem Turner Road and the Walmart on Normandy Boulevard. Featured areas of the L8 route include two JTA partners (Walgreens), UF Health Jacksonville, Five Points, and the VA Outpatient Center. Of interesting note, the L8's route through the Northside is identical to JTA's proposed North Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridor.  In other words, BRT in the Northside is the L8 with 15 minute headways, new buses, modern bus shelters, and a reduction in number of stops along the route to improve travel time.

Total Monthly Passengers: 68,121

Average Daily Passengers: 2,584

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