A summary of Jacksonville news.

Surprise! SMG will remain the venue management company for Jacksonville owned venues for the next three years. The Comcast owned Global Spectrum (the other company bidding to manage the venues) promises to retaliate by monopolizing the cable market.
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Slow response from Jacksonville officials. That's the reason Advanced Disposal Chairman and CEO Charlie Appleby gave about their decision to headquarter in St. John's county.
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Denise Lee, Councilwoman, wants to find/create a non-profit to manage Hemming Plaza. She made a request for DIA to support this idea. The DIA has formed a sub-committee headed by Jim Bailey. Predictable?
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More layoffs coming to Jacksonville, Rail America has filed a notice to lay off at least 50 of their employees. This is related to the Genesee & Wyoming Inc. plan to buy RailAmerica for...wait for it...$1.39 billion.
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Is Jacksonville becoming the pizza capital of the world? Marcos Pizza is planning on building 34 new restaurants in 5 years. Over $7.5 million in investment.
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Maybe there is too much Pizza. Als Pizza is opening a taco concept in Neptune Beach.
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$28.2 million or approx. $72k per unit. That's how much Atlanta's Cortland Partners bought Avistele at Deerwood apartment complex. Discuss here
Put your wallet back. You're not taking this seriously. Everbank Center is no longer for sale. No one offered a high enough purchase price.
Purchased in August for $880million Ardagh Group has started the take over of Jacksonville based Anchor Glass Container Corp.
The longtime president of the JAX Chamber is leaving at the end of December. When asked why he said something like, "well, I'm 65."
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